Serenity: ending result 17

From Create Your Own Story

All men grabbed their bearings and smiled at each other in satisfaction. What they did to Serenity will stay with her forever. The three men pulled their trousers up and stared at Serenity in succession. She wasn't responsive however, Serenity laid there as any movement made her insides tingle with pleasure. Being breathless, Serenity continued to softly moan as all three men walk out of the toilet stalls on her shutting the door behind them leaving behind nothing but silence while still leaking cum on the toilet.

It was a good 10 minutes before Serenity picked herself up as her orgasm died down. She was a complete mess, the front of her used body was dripping and covered in the men's white slime. Clumps of cum ran out of Serenity stretched pussy sliding down her legs and covering her feet as she stepped out of the cubicle and forwards towards the mirror examining her body. How was she ever to clean herself up before her class resumed for the rest of the day, Serenity would have needed a shower and a proper cleaning of her insides to avoid any humiliation. She'd have to skip the rest of the class, and she did just that.

Serenity didn't think of cleaning the cum off her body but lightly swabbed some off her face with toilet paper. Serenity slid on her tight, white tank top feeling the fabric stick to her skin and slid on her black jeans ignoring the uncomfortable squish of the cold cum that stuck between both her jeans and long legs. It was time to bail, Serenity slipped on her baggy red jumper and left the stalls shutting the door behind her as she scoped out the area. It seemed clear. Serenity lightly jogged passed her classroom and exited through the gate leaving nothing but a memory behind. She didn't mind that she had to walk home, a bit of fresh air and a time to ponder on what just happened would have been good before she had to sneak back inside her home.

What a wild day it had been. Serenity lost her virginity to three men that opened up a while new world of amazing sex and pleasure. Was it worth waiting until her 20s or would it have been better earlier, either way; she loved it.

While on the streets, Serenity was eye candy to many of the older men and teenage boys that crossed her. It was strange, she was fully clothed and she cleaned herself up nicely enough, or perhaps it was the usual dose of attention she normally got. As different types of men walked passed they all gave Serenity attention by starring at her beautiful ass or just imagining what they could do to that amazing body of hers. It was so hard to resist another opportunity for being fucked by different men but she still had her dignity with her to avoid these offers they gave Serenity. She became so horny so quick just after being used in the male toilets, but deep down; Serenity wanted more.

As she walked down her court and towards her house, Serenity noticed her farther's car parked on the driveway. She jingled her keys out and slipped them in the front door. Opening it she noticed laughter coming from the living room on the TV as Serenity farther was watching a comedy.

"Sweetie, is that you!?" He yelled out "You're home early"

"Yeah, we cut off earlier than expected." Serenity replied quickly "I'm going to have a quick shower, we did some dirty practical work."

Serenity rushed to the bathroom, locked the door and stripped in front of the mirror. Cum was smudged all over her body and the white clumpy goo continued to ran out of her vag. Serenity blushed seeing herself so dirty. Thoroughly cleaning in and out her body while showering she imagined herself being used once again by all kinds of different men at once. As dirty as these thoughts were, it was very hard to eradicate from her mind.

Later that night, Serenity logged onto her computer into her social network. The very first post she saw ran chills down her spine... Serenity gasped seeing herself on the thumbnail of a video called:

Horny blonde takes three dicks, gets pissed on and takes a huge load.

"That bald fuck didn't!" Serenity cursed at her computer monitor.

Clicking play; Serenity's earphones blasted the moaning of Serenity herself being penetrated by the old man. Reliving this memory from another perspective was kind of a... turn on.

As the night passed by, Serenity received many messages from her old male classmates; asking for the same treatment they saw on the video. Some girls however thought differently. A few called her a huge slut while some asked to "get together" with her and do some things later on. That was a life changing day, that video will never go away, but Serenity pleasured herself everyday when she watched it.



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