S: Travelling to Kessel aboard the Falcon

From Create Your Own Story

Travelling through hyperspace in this hunk of junk you pass the time playing holo-chess with Han. He's not much of a challenge and you beat him easily, you feel boredom beginning to set in and then Han starts talking about his past. For fucks sake! If this couldn't get any duller! Lando seemed like an interesting guy but he's in the cockpit with that bitchy droid and you don't fancy hanging out with SJ-droid for any prolonged period of time. Your ears suddenly perk up however as Han mentions Qi'ra, he drones on some more about their past relationship and you take immense satisfaction in knowing that you recently banged the woman he is so smitten with. As he pours out his heart, your mind drifts back to the image of Qi'ra sucking your cock, the sound of her moaning in delight as you pound away at her and the final shot of her naked body covered in your semen. You feel arousal beginning to rise up within you and that won't be the only thing rising soon! You need to find Qi'ra, you've managed to keep yourself in check over the last few days out of respect for Han (he did help get you out of that prison after all) but you can't ignore your urges forever, especially not with a woman like Qi'ra wandering around the ship. You get up from the holotable giving a quick roar in Han's direction to excuse yourself.

'Oh right, sure thing buddy, I'll just hang out here I guess'

You head down the corridor in search of Qi'ra, leaving Han to sulk by himself. After a quick walk you here someone rustling around in Lando's quarters. You poke your head around the door to see who's inside and you spot her. She's bent over looking through a box full of fancy coloured jackets. You stare at her delicious ass and your mind begins to fill with all sorts of possibilities.

What do you do?

S: Start jerking off

S: Get Qi'ra's attention

S: Grab her and have your way with her

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Solo: A Star Wars Story

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