Run from the charging enemy

From Create Your Own Story

You decide to run with the rest of your regiment. As you climb a slight rise, General Mansfield comes riding on his horse, yelling at you. "Turn around! Don't be cowards!" you turn with everybody else just as the enemy appears from the woods. "Ready! Aim! Fire!" You pull the trigger of your gun and smoke rise in front of you and all around you. Your ear ring from the loud sound. The smoke clears and you see that the surviving men are running back to the woods. A cheer goes down your lines and you raise your hat and join the cheer. Then you are ordered to charge after the enemy. You fly down the hill and now can see the back of the running line. You focus on a man that is slow and you could easily catch up to him.

How do you kill him?

Get close and stab him with your bayonet

Shoot him in the back

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