Run away and hide in a closet

From Create Your Own Story

You really hate fighting jealous boyfriends. You hate to fuck and run, too, but you hate following fucking with fighting more. So you give Patra a quick kiss goodbye, pull your clothes on, and make a run for it.

You dash through the maze of corridors inside the mansion until you spot a closet. You duck inside and close the door as quietly as you can.

It's nice and bright inside the closet. It's also huge, larger than your entire apartment. It's filled with racks of dresses and skirts and shoes of every style and description. There's also three trapdoors in the floor, one painted blue, one painted red, and one painted green.

Someone pounds on the closet door.

Do you:

Health Horny Location:

Patra's Mansion

MP 0
Level 1
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