ROTJ: Emperor Palpatine: Luke rejects your offer

From Create Your Own Story

Emperor Palpatine

The young Jedi has tossed his lightsaber away to the floor. He boldly steps closer to you, looking directly into your eyes, eager to finally prove his worth. "I'll never to the dark side," Luke says louder, getting even closer to you. You are enraged and angered at his reaction... though slightly amused, too. The boy will regret this. Does the puny Jedi really think he can stop you and your powers? Does he truly dare underestimate the dark side?

"You've failed, your highness, I am a Jedi, like my father before me."

You smile as the boy makes his decision - he truly doesn't know the terror you can make him feel, the power at your fingers.

"So be it, Jedi."

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Emperor Palpatine
Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

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