Put your penis in the guard's mouth

From Create Your Own Story

You poke your dick against the guard's lips. She makes a noise and opens her mouth just enough for you to shove your meat on in. She gives your dick a good suck and you moan in appreciation.

Then she bites down. You scream as she chews your dick into bloody ribbons. You rip your dick out of her mouth and stagger away from her. She flashes you a bloody smile.

You somehow manage to get the VR chamber door open. The arcade crowd screams as you wander out with blood pouring from your crotch. You slump against a video game machine and slide down to the floor. Mercifully, you pass out.

You wake up in a hospital bed. You lift the blanket and check under your gown. There's a huge wad of bandages wrapped around your penis.

Do you:

Health Horny, with your dick bandaged Location:

The Hospital

MP 0
Level 2
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