Put together a collection of dildos to show Brenda

From Create Your Own Story

Unfortunately, you don't have a whole lot of dildos in your apartment. Panties from various conquests, you have in abundance, but that won't do you much good right now. You walk over to Debbie's apartment, figuring the slut probably has a couple of exotic ones you can borrow.

"Hi," Debbie says in response to your knock. "Can I help you?"

"I need some exotic dildos to... um, impress a female friend," you say. "She's on her way over. Can I borrow a couple of unusual ones from you?"

"Give me two minutes," Debbie replies. "I'll come over to your place."

Sure enough, two minutes later Debbie arrives with several odd dildos. There's a spiked one, a 15-inch monster and one that's glowing with a green radiance.

"Thanks, Debbie," you say. You kiss her in appreciation, and she slips her tongue into your mouth. Then there's a knock on the door. Brenda has arrived.

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Your Apartment

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