Put on a white strapless summer dress

From Create Your Own Story

You check out your reflection. You look damn sexy.

The sneakers won't really go with this outfit so you hunt around until you find a pair of shoes you can just about squeeze into. Then you search for the candy dish which you ultimately find on a table in the main hallway. Spying an abandoned pair of Aviators you add them to your ensemble.

Letting yourself out you're pleased to find the 4x4 still parked outside. You hop in and drive off.

The day is cloudy and cool. It's actually refreshing after the heat of yesterday.

Before you can start deciding what you want to do today you're pulled over by a traffic cop. Damn! No licence or insurance!

The muscular, shaven-headed cop stares at your tits, licks his lips and whistles. "Damn baby. I think I've died and gone to heaven," he growls.

Now you think about it, the white dress and lack of underwear probably isn't leaving much to his imagination.

Do you:

You are possessing:
Young, attractive nun
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