Put his dick up your ass and see what happens/C

From Create Your Own Story

You can feel the shit about to flood out of your ass and get a wicked idea. You close the door behind you and quickly strip out of your panties. Using all of your strength to hold it in, you walk over next to the peeing boy. He appears to be enjoying a very long piss. His eyes are closed and his head is tilted backwards. One hand rests at the base of his hefty shaft. Wasting no more time, you straddle the toilet, lift your skirt, and spread your ass.

You line your ass up with his pissing cock and thrust backwards quickly, releasing your bowels as you contact his cock. Shit rockets out of your hole onto his dick as he opens his eyes in shock. Pushing harder, you manage to get the head of his cock inside of your ass, plugging it up. You can feel piss entering your host's bowels and groan as your sudden relief stops.

"Woah! What the fuck?" shouts the buff student as he backs away from you. As he does, pulling his dick out, a mess of diarrhea and his own piss blasts out of your ass, covering his crotch and lower stomach. You push back and get his dick back in your erupting hole. As you push against him, he trips and falls backwards, landing on the bathroom floor. You topple back with him, his flaccid dick still poking into your ass.

As you land, you look back at him. He doesn't appear to be moving, though you can feel his cock continuing to drain his bladder into your ass. He finishes peeing and you pull his cock from your ass, releasing a torrent of piss and shit, most of which ends up on his crotch and stomach. The stall is a mess, but you have remained miraculously clean through it all, save for some poop on your ass.

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