Press on through the vegetation
From Create Your Own Story
You've come this far. You're not about to let some brush, no matter how thick, stop you.
You begin to pick your way forward, seeking whatever gaps you can find in the vegetation. In moments, the vegetation is pressing against you, snagging at your clothes. A few times, you hear some slight tearing, but investigation reveals you're still decent, though your tank top is definitely looking a bit more ragged. To make matters worse, the now-cold mud is starting to suck at your shoes, threatening to either rip them off, or completely destroy them. With every step, you wish you had been able to find a pair that was more intact than the ones you're wearing now.
A moment later, you're brought up short by a sensation that the brush is...moving. You look around, and could swear you can see the branches shifting, despite there being no breeze here. Then you feel one slide across your left shoulder blade, and you jolt.
Do you:
- Dismiss the notion as crazy, and keep working your way forward
- Stand still and see what happens
- Panic and bull your way through the brush
Status | ||
Health | Horny and Hormonal | Location: |
MP | 0 | |
Level | 1 |