Prepare yourself and enter the altar of Zoion.
From Create Your Own Story
Quickly you both remove your clothing, while taking brief peeks to check out each others' bodies, before finally putting on your collars. You take a moment to look over each other, admiring what would be the fantasies of most. Your perfect figures, ample tits, and your respective blond and reddish brown hair cascading over your naked shoulders, and the subtle but sexy glint of metal from the collars. Karin moves to open the door, and you follow her in silence.
Once out of the small entryway, the room opens dramatically. The ceiling is a stone dome above you, plain in color but ornamented as if a pit of writhing snakes. Torches in sconces at the base of the ceiling light the room. The walls are what appears to be solid black onyx, and is covered in carvings depicting every deviant act imaginable between man, woman, demon, and all manner of beasts. The echos of your footsteps reverberate off all the stone as you move towards the center of the room. There, is a large stone altar, about the area of your room at home you think. Standing before the platform is a colossal statue. It appears at first to be the form of a man, but you then see that many of its features are animalistic. It has the head of a bull, complete with large straight horns, except for the mouth, which is toothed and open like a roaring lion. On his back are two sets of wings. The larger set is feathered like a bird, while the smaller is closer to that of a bat. His legs are jointed like a horse or goat, and end in cloven hooves. His arms are scaled like that of a fish, complete with small fins. The hands, however, appear to have the claws of a large cat. His member is a cluster of snakes that appear to have been frozen as the writhed in search of some unseen lover. The claws of the statue, however, hold stone chains, that lead to two smaller statues.
The identical smaller statues are obviously animal, but appear to be mostly a combination of canine and feline features. The biggest exception are the horns, long and straight, just like their master's, and the sheer size of the stone beasts--about the size of small horses.
Karin hurries forwards towards the altar, as you follow. You both climb onto the raised platform, but as you start to rise, Karin stops you. You both crawl forth to the middle of the platform on all fours. Once there, Karin begins to speak.
"Oh great lord Zoion," her voice boomed, "we come before you humbly, in supplication. Let our gifts of the lustful flesh add to your strength so that someday you may return to our world. On that day may all the world know your loving embrace."
With that finished, she turns towards you, drawing you in for a passionate kiss. Your tongues writhe against one another as your hands explore each others' perfect bodies. You caress each others tits, slowly stroke down your sides and asses, and then finally work your way to each others slits. Your fingers stroke in and out of each other slowly at first and increase in speed as you feel the fire of lust building inside you. You shudder with your first orgasm of the evening barely noticing a low growl from somewhere else in the room. Your fingers continue to stroke into Karin's moist snatch as hers keep working at yours. Karin begins to convulse from her first orgasm, and while being more clear of mind than before you hear the growl clearly this time. You stop and look around, seeing nothing is out of the ordinary.
"What's wrong, lover?" Karin asks, nearly out of breath.
"Nothing, just thought I heard something." you reply.
"Ah, well, lets get back to work... or worship, rather." Karin, responds, giggling.