Point out Jessie's bottomless state.

From Create Your Own Story

Despite being so welcome it's also confusing. Why is she doing this? Does she even realize? Well she was wearing her panties a minute ago so it's not as if they just disappeared on their own.

"Jessie..." you start, clearing your throat.

Your daughter looks up from her game meekly. She's stopped her gentle swaying. You try your damnedest not to look down at her bare crotch while she's staring back at you.

"You do realize... you're not wearing pants, right?"

Young Jessie smirks a bit before pursing her lips and forcing a blank expression.

"Yeah, I think my rainbow panties are too old. They don't fit me very well now. They can itch sometimes too."

"I see. So you didn't want to put something else on?" Are you sure you didn't want to shut up? Why are you still talking? Why not just enjoy this? But you are still her father.

"No. Why? Do I haaaave to?" That whiny pathetic tone is something you normally discourage but in this instance you're not going to fight her in the least.

"I guess not. Just as long as you're comfortable."

Jess can't hide the smile on her face, despite biting her lip. She nods playfully before staring at her game again. Her smirking subsides as she begins her slow side to side motions again, almost taunting you with her exposed sex.

You have a hard time believing there isn't something more to this, even if you'd like to convince yourself otherwise. Your boys often go commando, so it's not as if this isn't a regular thing in your household. You have to admit to yourself that girls in dresses are a little different than boys in pants. Then again you've always been a supporter for women's rights.

You catch yourself staring again. You can't help but feel that's (mostly) her fault but the thoughts running through your head are clouding your judgement.

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