Pi Pi Pi/Your t-shirt tie comes undone

From Create Your Own Story

As you head out onto the field, you see several players checking you out. You can tell that they are especially interested in your tits, barely contained as they are in a tight, torn t-shirt. One by one, more players check you out, until every member of the squad, you are certain, has seen you.

Suddenly, the coach speaks to you. "What happened to you?"

You shrug, knowing that doing so will cause your breasts to do interesting things. "I had a little trouble putting my shirt on." You try to sound as innocent as you can.

"Want me to get you another?"

You shrug again. "I should be okay with this one, at least for today. I'll get another shirt at the end of practice."

"Okay," says the coach.

"So what do you want me to do out here?" you say.

The coach hands you a clipboard, a pen, and a stopwatch. "Mostly, keep notes, and run the stopwatch on timed drills. I'll probably have other things for you to do after that."

"You got it," you say with a smile.

Forty minutes later, as you are timing some squad drills, you glance down and see that your hasty attempt to repair the damage to your shirt didn't work. Probably as a result of the moving around you've had to do, plus the fact that you just have a lot to cover,the ends you tied off have become separated, and are hanging down, one on each side of your tits. You are, in other words, standing on the practice field, technically wearing a shirt, but with your tits almost completely exposed.

What do you do when you discover your t-shirt tie is undone?

Pi Pi Pi Applying Clothing

Spandex shorts and torn t-shirt,untied

Rules 1-4
Fucks 0
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