Physically grab Annabelle and take her to the exit

From Create Your Own Story

Now is not the time for talk. You grab Annabelle and pull her towards the door to safety. She is too surprised to put up much resistance. Opening the door, you push her inside, jump in after her, and slam and lock the door behind you. Snarls and growls come from the other side.

"I'm sorry, but it was the only way," you say.

"I hate to admit it, but you're right," she answers. "I just hope poor Joe was still out when they..."

Both of you stare at your shoes for several moments. Finally Annabelle says, "I guess there's nothing to do but try to go on."

You look around closely for the first time. There is nothing but a set of stairs leading downward into darkness. "Where does that lead?"

"There's a maze of passageways underneath the castle. I don't know all the tunnels - Jack and Holly knew them a lot better - but I have a basic idea of where to go."

The two of you start down the stairs. There are no lights in here, and the only source of illumination comes from the light attached to Annabelle's rifle. She leads the way to the bottom of the staircase and into a narrow stone tunnel. Soon, the passage forks and she immediately goes to the right. With the crossbow in your hands, you cover the rear, always alert for any zombies that may be sneaking up behind you. As you make your way through the dark tunnels, you feel a chill run down your spine. You just hope there aren't any undead down here.

Annabelle suddenly stops at another fork. "We have to make a decision here. The left passage leads deeper underneath the castle and comes up into the kitchen. We might be able to join up with the others...if the zombies haven't gotten there yet. The tunnel on the right just leads to an exit. What do you think?"

Health 75 Equipment:

Crossbow, pistol

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