Perhaps a girl from school?

From Create Your Own Story

You decide to go after a fellow student from your school. After all, with Valerie getting so big now from so many pregnancies, you'll need a another source of quality pussy. Pumping Valerie is always fun but you're supposed to be creating Hell on Earth, and one horny teenager isn't going to cut it.

After filling up Valerie for a few more days though, you eventually convince Jessica to watch over Valerie full time, so you can focus on other mortals to add to your demonic harem. Over the next few days at school, you slowly beginning to build up a catalogue of the local cliques at your school, plus who the leaders are. After all, if you can convince the Shepard, the sheep will follow. So which will be your first clique to add?

Actually, why would you start with students? Take control of the teachers and really give these kids the playground they want.

You are possessing:
12th Grade Boy with large-apple-sized balls and a 12-inch cock
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