Only by some Mon Cal Cock

From Create Your Own Story

"Only by some Mon Cal Cock..." your voice sultry, hiding the grimace as she spreads your still painful asshole, the fishman's seed leaking out in globs of white. "You gonna ram that hard shaft into my ass as hard as he did? gonna make me your whore?" the hungry look in your eyes and the need in your voice send the fat woman into a frenzy, her strap-on not hesitating to impale you, your choked scream muffled by the matress as she pounds you into the bed. Tears flow down your eyes, her toy almost twice the size of the Mon Cal cock from not even an hour before.

She punds deeper with each thrust, your ass feeling like it was close to tearing apart. "You like this! Togtutan whore!" she screamed into your ears, her hand coming down hard, smacking your enflamed and engorged ass with all the force of a turbo laser. Your agonised screams turn the woman on more, her pants matching your own, for all the pain you feel, the rising pleasure is thicker.

Harnessing the Dark Side, you begin channeling it into your body, letting the Force flow into your butt, soon the waves of pain and pleasure have you moaning loudly, tongue hanging out as your body is ravaged by this woman with her plastic cock. Your first orgasm nearly shattered your mind, the screaming writhing mess you had become causing the domineering bitch into her own.

As the pair of you come down, she says "Credits well spent" paying you before dressing once more, leaving you in the hotel. your brutalised body and smirking face contrasted badly with the tear stains and cum still oozing from you anus. "I need more!" you roar.

Feeling bold and horny, you...

sneak into the Jedi Temple, lure out a young padawan to enslave

Sell yourself to a Senetor for a week, pleasing him or her

Move to Nar Shaddaa, finding service in the palace of a Hutt

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