One of the servers, Lexie, comes in, starting to change. You know she thinks you're hot...maybe she can help you...

From Create Your Own Story

You try to ignore the buzzing in your pants even as it fuels your arousal. Lexie smiles at you.

"Hey Becca," she says unbuttoning her vest, "happy birthday by the way."

You smile in return, "thank you."

She pulls her tie off and starts to unbutton her shirt. You try to be subtle about checking out her tits, her creamy skin and her slight belly, but you fail. You force your gaze away and start to take off your chef's jacket.

"So got any plans?" Lexie asks.

"Plans?" You reply, not wanting to admit your plans are to be fucked by mistress mercilessly.

"Y'know...Go out with friends, have a good time. Maybe get fucked."

You blush, "get fucked?" she's onto you.

She tuts, "I don't think I have gone a birthday without getting laid since my 12th. Mind you that was at my bat miztvah which was a few months later but still, it kinda counts."

You're both into you bra and panties now and she's unabashed at checking out your hips and waist.

"Anyways," she mutters, "a girl like you ought to have it pretty easy getting laid."

Her eyes rest on your tits as she practically licks her lips. Mistress happens to find this a good time to remotely turn up the vibrator and your knees go weak a bit. She turns her head away getting a t-shirt from her locker.

"Anyways," she continues, "y'know...maybe you want a ride home."

You blush as she leans over to get back into her locker showing off her ass and cunt through her panties. She holds the pose much longer than she needs to and you stare just as long. She turns her head back to look at you, catching you staring and she smiles.

"Naughty naughty," she stands up straight and puts her jeans on. "C'mon get dressed."

You quickly dress, your clit alight with all sorts of pleasures, and your head swimming with lust. You put on a low cut tank top and a shorter than it has any business being skirt. You follow her out to her car, a purple sedan, and she opens the passenger door for you. She gets into the driver seat and smiles at you.

"Okay," she says, "let's get you back home!"

"You know," she offers, "if you want I have coffee at my place..."

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