Offer Amanda some coffee

From Create Your Own Story

Amanda Jubilee is your ex's mom, who you always liked.

She still looks absolutley great for her age, although you still aren't sure what that really is. Your ex constantly got pissed off that the two of them got mistaken for sisters, but you secretly liked it.

You also really like the classy beamer she drives, and how she drives it. You can see the black german auto sitting outside your house as you close he door behind Amanda.

She does some kind of work at city hall, although you are not sure exactly what. From what you have heard it always involves some kind of crisis and she is normally a very frantic lady.

You both walk through to the kitchen and you start making some coffee.

"Have you found anyone else yet... if you don't mind my being so impolite." Amanda says quite casually.

Do you...

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