Notice that Lara has Ehlers Danlos syndrome

From Create Your Own Story

It is beautiful. Her skins stretches and reforms perfectly all over her body, not just her tight-looking pussy lips.

Over the next hour you repeat the slow penetration process on her in four other places.

First her ass stretches magically, though you get a little pissed that you cannot make her gape at all. It always closes right off the tip of your retreating penis.

Next you fuck her throat, and get further down into her than any other woman you have ever deep-throated. You decide that she must be elastic on the inside too.

This doesn't stop the next two holes from bringing her to tears. You begin to wince as well, when you push your dick so far into her collosally stretched nostril that the tip goes around the corner and starts going down.

Her face is thorougly red and puffy, she is crying hard and sniffeling huge amounts of mucas, so she doesn't notice you start poking at her urethra. After a finger doing the ground work as with her nose, your slighlty pointy cock starts pushing. You start to fuck the newly open pee-hole when you notice that every time you go fully in, you knock a bit off piss out of her bladder. This somehow creeps past the stretched skin and you dick, and drips to the floor.

This is where you decide to cum in her, but during the last few thrust, you get even bigger and longer. Your head now stays within the further section, what ever it was, and at the end of these harder stokes you hit something else.

The first time you touched this, she lurched forward like a kid waking from the worst nightmare of their life. She then flaps her limbs and garbles incoherent noises in a manic attempt to get you to stop. She only carries on like this for another minute or so before your final pre-cum-thrust.

You growl like a were-wolf on this last explosive bang, and pound her so hard that you feel this thing give way as well. It is wrapped so tightly around your dick that afterwards you wonder if any of the cum got out. But at the time you just hold it in there, pressing Lara's shoulders and head into the ground with all your weight.

As you take your weight off and pull out, you first notice that she passed out on that last push. You also try to milk yourself and realise that your cum did go into her.

Satisfied, you roll a small joint while Lara is still in a crumpled unconscious heap, and smoke it while walking towards the school.

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