No. She's clearly lying, and you'd rather be alone with Kara.

From Create Your Own Story

"He's just in the media room. It's not hard to find from here, just keep walking up the stairs until you're at the top," you explain, deadpan. She looks a little disappointed, but nods and skips off.

"Oh my god, I'm so glad you didn't go. Shayla is getting soooooo annoying," Kara moans, sprawling out onto her back and holding her head dramatically. You join her on the floor, but you just sit against the couch.

"Yeah? How so?" you chuckle, leaning back and stretching. Girls can be so funny and twofaced.

Blushing a little, but mad enough to tell the truth, Kara explains, "She's kind of a slut... like don't get any ideas from this, please, but she keeps going on about this fantasy where you and Adam spit-roast her or something. And I'm like, ew! That's my brother you're talking about!"

What? Shayla does have the hots for you, but ALSO for Adam? That's not what you were expecting. Since Adam's your best friend and not your brother, you feel a little less squicky about it than Kara, but you still don't know if you'd ever be up for something like that. You'd have to be drunk, at least.

"That is pretty gross... Adam's like my brother," you grimace. "But he does want to fuck Shayla. Sorry."

"Who doesn't want to fuck Shayla?" Kara pouts, rolling over onto her stomach and looking at you. If she was a couple feet closer she'd be inbetween your spread legs, face in your crotch. Then she seems to get an idea. "Hey! Since they're probably gonna screw up there, we could fuck down here. Then for once she'll only get half of what she wants."

The suggestion is so casually slipped into the whole sentence that at first you barely register it. Then you see her heavy blush and giggling smile.

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