NC:WI...If Rancor ate Luke?

From Create Your Own Story

Luke screamed as the floor collapsed beneath him, sending him and an unfortunate Gamorrean guard down into the abyss. When they hit the ground with an auditable crunch, Jabba laughed darkly, soon replicated by the great hive of scum and villainy surrounding him. Looking wildly around for his lightsaber, Luke realises that the gigantic metal door on the far side of the room had began to slowly open, accompanied by the ominous roars of the beast. Luke leapt up to his feet and realized that he had left his weapon with R2 earlier, leaving him now nearly defenceless.

Leia, who was chained to Jabba above, looked on in terror as in a desperate attempt to defend himself, picked up a large bone from the piles of carcasses that littered the floor. As he did this, the great gate completely opened and the humungous Rancor lumbered out of the shadows, sending a roar that shook the walls of the pit, as well as sending a shiver down Luke's spine...
What happens now?

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