Moan "Braiinnnnnssss..." and stumble towards the passed-out high kid

From Create Your Own Story

The kid wakes up. He looks at you and says "Dude.... I am so High, You look trippy man..." You smile and shoot him with your silenced glock pistol. He should be a zombie in a few minutes. You shoot one other kid in the face. It seems that two shots were too many because some of the kids wake up. There reactions are thus.


The two kids you shot begin to wake up from their transformation into zombies. This is when things begin to get chaotic. Kids are stumbling to get up while you and the other zombies steadily turn them into zombies. Your bloodlust makes the next few minutes a blur. It seems that you got most of them; but three got away. The horde is now equal to 32 zombies; but your nowhere near world domination yet.

IQ 150 Location:

The Woods

Species Zombie Overlord
Health UnDead
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