
From Create Your Own Story

Ahhh, good ol' mega-buster. Famously used by mega man, this blue arm cannon can decimate just about anything. But, as Peter Parker's uncle once said, "with great power, comes great responsibility." So, as you progress through your journey, just keep that in mind. But, enough famous quotes- let the massacre of both man and and machine begin!

You wake up. You find yourself in a large prison cell containing nothing but a bed and a toilet. You begin to wonder where you are, and how you got there. But, you feel different, as though one of your screws is missing. Then, you look at you left arm, and you realize what the problem is: your mega buster is gone. Without it, you feel powerless. You have no way of defending yourself. But, before you can assess your situation any further, you hear footsteps from outside your cell.

What do you do?

Health 80/100 Equipment:


MP 0/0
Level 1
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