Make sure to hit the target dead center

From Create Your Own Story

You want to make an impression on Leogace and the others, and hit the target dead center. Not even a milometer off target. You turn to face everyone, and they all have their jaws hanging open in disbelief.

"Um..." you start, "did I... pass?"

After everyone collects their jaws off the floor, Leogace awkwardly coughs, and says, "Y-yes, you most certainly pass. Well, um, if you'll follow me, we'll get you fitted for your uniform, and I'll introduce you to everyone."

You're lead back to the barracks and given a uniform like the others, and take it into a fitting room. Their uniform is mostly grass green cotton, with some pieces of brown leather. For you, yours consist of leather pants and boots, a cotton tunic, a belt, a quiver for your arrows, and a leather breast plate. It all hugs your body nicely, showing off your curves, but thanks to elvan craftsmanship, it's all as light as a feather and you can move around as though you were naked. You have to admit, it looks quite good on you.

As you step out of the fitting room, Leogace nods in approval. "It suits you. Now, let me introduce you to everyone." he steps over to one of the men who you saw earlier, a very tall and slender guy with shiny blond hair, "This is Untrigar, my second in command. If I'm not around, you follow his orders." he then goes to a beautiful red head, who has just the faintest hint of freckles on her cheeks, "This is Sernetaia." he continues on to a brunette, beautiful, but kind of average for an elf, "This is Angienta." and he goes on and on until everyone is introduced. But the first three were the ones that stuck with you the most.

"Now," Leogace says once introductions are out of the way, "We have several positions open to you, Ronama. Inner city patrol, outer city patrol, forest patrol, and deep forest patrol. Which would you like?"

Health Horny, female orc, named Ronama Equipment:

Hunter uniform

Experience Virgin
HP 100
Personal tools