M'kala tells her tribe's history

From Create Your Own Story

"Long ago, this tribe, fully made of women, was blessed with eternal life by helping the goddess of the hunt, Artemis. She is also the eternal Maiden. She gave us this blessing in return for our service to her for eternity. All she asks is a small thing, however. As the eternal Maiden, she cannot have any sexual relations. Over time, however, her sexual tension builds up. The first times this happened, towards the very beginning of time, she fought it, and while in this state, became incapacitated. Due to this inconvenience, she sought another solution. Eventually she found this tribe. She agreed to grant us eternal life and good hunt if we assisted her. Every 10 years she drains her full lust into our tribe. For a full year, we become extremely lustful, seeking something to relieve it, although not just anything will do. Aside from certain skill factors, it must also be a person who lost their virginity on this island. From my See, I also ascertained that you were indeed a virgin when you arrived here. This is the 10th year, and it is just beginning to develop. You are to be the one to please us, and unfortunately, it is not a matter of choice. I'm sorry, but you will be forced to please us, and you will not leave here until you do so."

Now, you did like women, especially sexy ones, but being new to sex, and a relatively good person, you don't particularly want to do this?

"And if I refuse?" you ask.

M'kala smiles a devious smile. "Well, you wouldn't be the first. We have things for that. Bring them." she says this last part to a nearby guard, who steps outside a flap and returns with two urns, which she gives to the chief.

"What we have here are two urns full of two different potions. They are two different ways of making you obey. The one on the left is what we call the Milgram Potion. It makes whoever drinks it extremely obedient in every way. The one on the right, the Marglim Potion, caused the user to be extremely powerful and lustful. So, which one do you choose?"

Milgram Potion

Marglim Potion

Knock both away


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