Life as a good little girl/A shadow looms over you before you can cover yourself again

From Create Your Own Story

"Excuse me miss, but I'm going to have to detain you," a deep voice whispers in your ear as you struggle to tie your shirt back together. You feel the sudden cold press of metal against both of your wrists, and an unmistakable clicking sound. You've just been handcuffed. With a shirt that is hanging open revealing your tiny tits. In a skirt so short it, well really isn't even a skirt. More like a band of cotton that just manages to cover up...well....not much at all.

"This is a respectable establishment," the mall cop barks as he grips your tiny, heaving, body and jerks you to your feet. "We're going to have to have a long talk you and I."

Great. Just freaking great. You barely escape a gang of teenage boys only to get caught by a forty year old, over-weight, dead beat mall cop. Hell, your probably the first woman he's touched in...actually, scratch that. You don't even want to know how long it's been since this guy touched a woman.

You quickly scan the area, trying to find a way out of this mess. You're trapped by a big fat guy, with your hands behind your back. You've never found yourself to be the toughest of people, and you couldn't even take on a guy as big as him even without your hands being handcuffed.

This is not going to be a moment of bad-assery. You need to find another way out of this mess.

There's no one else around; it's just you and the guard. That rules out screaming for help, though maybe if you yelled at the top of your lungs someone might hear you. Then again, with the luck you're having today you're not sure you want anyone else seeing you.

"Wa...wait please!" you beg as he shoves you forward; each step you make reveals your tiny pert ass to the guard, and his breathing is getting heavier and heavier.

"What? You want to expose yourself more?" the guard chuckles as he twirls you around, making you face to face with him.

" I don't want just anyone to see me," you whisper under your breath.

He leers at you with eyes full of lust for a moment. How far are you willing to go with this guy?

"Not just anyone huh?" e whispers as his right hand moves up your leg. You cringe; this isn't the type of guy you want running his hands up your leg! If you don't stop him soon he's going to be touching you in a place you don't really want to be touched.

Or don't you? Despite his disgustingness, you feel yourself getting wetter as he moves his hand up your legs. Your sex defies you, and you begin to drip in anticipation. Unconsciously you spread your legs ever just a little bit, and he takes it as a sign.

Shit. If only Tiffany could see you now. She'd think your the nastiest slut in town (not that she probably already doesn't after today).

Life as a good little girl/Try the scream approach. How could this get any worse?

Life as a good little girl/What the hell. Try to seduce your way out of this one.

Life as a good little girl/Not worth it. Just go with him. Or would that make it even worse?

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