Let Tamera decide for herself

From Create Your Own Story

You trust Tamera enough to let her decide for herself. It's clear she struggles with her decision though, and spends nearly a half hour before she finally says, "I can't decide! I want you both! I want to stay with both of you."

Well, this was a little unexpected, but not entirely surprising. But at least she doesn't want to leave you, and are happy with her decision. Jerai on the other hand, is less enthused, and spits, "You want me to share you with that beast? I would rather die."

"Oh come on!" you finally speak up, "Orcs aren't nearly as bad as you think. What's your problem anyway?"

"My problem, orc, is that you stole, raped and impregnated my fiance. You ruined what happiness I could have had with her, and I will never forgive you for it."

Well, he does have a point. But what are you going to do now? Tamera wants both of you, so killing him is completely out of the question.

Health Horny, mated to Tamera Equipment:


Experience Elf impregnator
HP 100
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