Katie has to pretend to be lost in the men's locker room

From Create Your Own Story

Condition Embarrassed, Nervous, Slightly Horny Apparel and Items: Buck Naked, Shaved, Ponytails
Day, Time Saturday, Morning
Need to Bathroom Fine
Level of Humiliation Humiliated

"Okay, we'll let you wear whatever you want... BUT you have to spend five minutes 'lost' in the boy's change room!"

"What!!?!" Katie cried. "That's not fair!" She shook her head in her hands in disbelief, her pigtails swaying across her shoulders.

"Oh don't be such a baby," snapped Cathy.

"But she's supposed to be!" replied Anna.

Liz laughed. "Yeah! Widdle baby Katie has to go find her daddy!"

Katie dropped her hands and looked back at the three other girls, jealous of their slutty swimwear.

"Is baby gonna cry?"

She shook her pigtails again.

"Good. Now hurry up!"

The girls lead her out of the women's change room and up to the men's. Katie began to think of what the boy's locker room would be like once inside. And what the boys would be like. She swallowed her intrigue as they walked up to the entrance, trying to ignore the people watching her.

"Go!" Liz smacked her still sore ass cheeks. "Find daddy!"

Katie scurried forward with one eye closed, her hands tucked under her neck and her forearms flattening her chest. Her face felt incredibly hot and flushed, no doubt matching her pink ass from so much spanking along with her still inflamed pussy from being shaved bald.

She turned a corner and suddenly found herself in the shower room, obviously filled with guys. Many turned to glance at her when she entered but they ended up doing a double-take, turning to face this random girl. They stared at her naked body and her bubbly ass. Katie also couldn't help but stare back, scanning the assorted cocks on display being cascaded with water. It was a veritable smorgasbord of dick, their varied lengths and girths a fanciful feast for a young girl's eyes. Some of the men turned away from her. Others covered themselves and watched her. Others still didn't seem to care.

But she stared and stood for too long. A naked middle aged man approached her with concern in his eyes.

Katie snapped out of it and hurried through the showers just as he asked "Are you okay?"

She burst through into the main changing area and once again stopped dead in her tracks. The room was filled with all manner of dick in various states of undress! Directly in front of her a tall, lean, muscular man stood with one foot up on a bench toweling himself off. Katie's eyes raced across his toned body, his strong legs, his broad chest, his large hands, finally landing on his meticulously well-groomed cock.

The man looked over at her and gave her a quick up-and-down before standing straight.

"You lost?" he asked plainly.

Katie gazed back at him with both wonder and terror. She couldn't believe that she was standing in the midst of so many naked men! If only she wasn't so vulnerable herself! She became additionally flustered when she felt her nipples stiffen and her pussy getting wet.

Remembering why she was there and what Liz had suggested, she tried to put on her best little girl voice.

"Can you be my daddy?"

Nope. That did not come out right.

The man smiled curiously. He looked over her body again and tossed his towel on the bench as some of the people surrounding them began to take notice.

"I'm sure I could..."


Katie is frozen by her fear and arousal and says nothing as the man approaches her

Run down a different row of lockers

Katie tries to explain what she meant

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