Just stare... She has got quite beautiful breasts

From Create Your Own Story

There she lays. Her legs stretched to the sky and a proper breast hanging from her shirt. If you peek just correctly you can even see her shaved vagina partially hiding between her buttocks. She puts her legs to the ground and looks up to you, less explosive this time.
"You alright?" is the only thing you can say.
"Do I look alright" she says, putting back her head back on the ground. "I was caught enjoying myself, made a fool of and I fell of my broom. Now you're even staring at me and..."
She gets up. Your eyes shift from her gap to her pink nipple.
"... and I can't even... today is so weird. I have never seen a guy before. Nor have I ever fallen of my broom, or been caught like you have today."
"You think you have a weird day though you have nothing to complain about. I wake up falling, and suddenly land in this random forest. I tried to find my way out of here but found you, and that has almost killed me several times in less than a minute."
"Though you don't have your genitals hanging in the air" she says quietly. She stands up and walks towards you, with a calm but creepy face.

"Lower your pants young man. Right now."

You know what to do

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