JDIA: Angelina pins Jennifer to the concrete.

From Create Your Own Story

Jennifer was knocked down to the concrete as Angelina attacked, trying to kick at her attacker as Angelina pounced. Angelina forced Jennifer against the concrete deck of the pool, difficult with all the slippery tanning oil on her overly tanned skin but she managed. Jennifer squirmed underneath her yelling profanity and cries for help.

"You won't get away with this, I'll sue you bitch...the fucking Enquirer is going to have your ass you golddigging slut!"

You smile as you watch her struggle helpless, her words meaningless as you control her body. Her face is red and pentulant like a child as she hollars and curses, you've been waiting to see her like this for years. You want to humilate her compeletly and make her forget there was ever a day she had the balls to call you a 'home-wrecker' in print.

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