Ignore the narrator and continue through the hallway to the end door

From Create Your Own Story

Stanley was so bad at following directions, it's incredible he wasn't fired years ago. He came to a small area that apeared to be a control room of some sort. The wall in front of him had wide windows. Through these windows, was a huge storage area, cluttered with boxes of oddly varying sizes. He went through the door on his right, and entered said containment area. Stanley stepped onto a platform suspended over the storage area by too many feet Stanley could estimate. Across the empty space of the room, was a ledge with an open door. The platform began to move. You know Stanley, i think perhaps we've gotten off on the wrong foot here. I'm not your enemy here, I'm really not. I realize that investing your trust in someone else can be difficult, but the fact is that the story's been about nothing but you all this time. Below stanley, a small metal bridge was slowly passing by. But the door at the other end of the room was approaching as well.

I think there's someone we've been neglecting Stanley. Look, I'm not asking for you, I'm asking for her. She's been waiting. The suspended platform below Stanley stopped, and he stepped onto the ledge before him, walking through the door.


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