High Voltage/LeaveC

From Create Your Own Story

I took a deep breath, turned the water off and exited the shower. Those feelings were too much; did I enjoy that momentary touch? I couldn't handle this. I grabbed my towel, wrapped it around my head and sat down on the toilet, letting my head sink into my hands.

I began to cry. Thankfully the suite was empty and no one would hear me. How could this have happened? What God did I upset that trapped me in the miserable body? I suddenly felt the urge to pee, which emotionally wrecked me even more. I relaxed muscles I wasn't aware existed, and heard the water splash beneath me. Another wave of shame flooded over me and my crying intensified. I wiped myself and stood up, quickly drying off and sprinted back to my room. I collapsed naked onto the bed and picked up my phone. I ordered a pepperoni pizza and I noticed the pile of clothes I had picked out before I went to the shower. As much as I didn't want to get dressed, I didn't want to catch glimpses of my breasts with every step either.

I scoured Lauren's underwear drawer and found a pair of plain black panties and pulled them on. I then put on the pair of jeans from before, the new blue shirt, and the gray sweatshirt. The blue shirt had an interesting neckline; it didn't expose any of my cleavage, but it showed off a lot of my shoulders. When it was underneath the sweatshirt you could hardly tell though, and compared to the last shirt I wore, this one actually covered my whole arm. I dried my hair with the towel, and then pulled it up into a ponytail. I guess the ponytail made me look more like a girl, but it also kept the hair out of my face so it wasn't a constant reminder that it was there.

The doorbell rang and I got the pizza, cheerfully charging it to Lauren's credit card. I went over to the fridge to find something to drink. Looks like my options were limited to beer or water.

Should I:

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