HSFC: Fast Forward: At home

From Create Your Own Story

You got down from the school bus and headed straight for your house. With habitual ease, you unlocked the front door with you keys before entering the house proper.

The first thing you saw as you entered was your mother sitting in front of the kitchen table with a familiar book laid open in front of her and a pen in her hand as she balanced the family's budget. Noticing your presence, your mother looked up from the book as she greeted you,

"Welcome home, dear. What happened to your leg?"

You quickly gave her the brief rundown of what happened at school, leaving the bit that you asked Tim for his number. Your mother sighed as she placed her pen down,

"That's why I was worried about you joining the cheerleader... I knew you'd attract attention from troublemakers...."

You rolled your eyes as you replied,

"Mom, it's not something that happen everyday. It's just this jerk can't differentiate between cheerleaders and sluts..."

"Language, young lady!"

You shrugged at her warning but correct yourself anyway as you continued,

"Right, sorry. Anyway, he's mentally challenged is what I mean. Anyway, Mrs. Parsons caught him and he's dealt with."

Your mother nodded in understanding before picking up her pen once again as she turne back the balance book before her. Understanding that the conversation is over, you headed for the stairs heading to the second floor.

You went straight to your room, putting down your school bag on the side and pondered what to do.

Status Bar
Health 90 Equipment:

School Uniform

Status Flustered
Gender Female
Social Group Cheerleader
Boyfriend/Girlfriend none
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