Grab the key and storm into the room.

From Create Your Own Story

You are caught somewhere between jealousy and anger at the thought of what Timmy is taking advantage of due to a tiny oversight in your meticulous planning. It doesn't take long for you to decide that both of them deserve to pay and you're going to make sure every one in the house knows exactly what they are doing. Silently, you push your bedroom door open and pull the skeleton key out of the vase in the hallway, making sure to not interrupt events unfolding in your little brother's room. With the key in-hand, you begin to make your way up the hallway toward Timmy's room when another sound makes you stop.

It's coming from your sister Jessie's room and it sounds like she is sobbing. Once at her door, you ease it open slowly to see her sitting on the side of her bed clutching her teddy bear, tears running down her face. Jessie and you have never been what you would consider close, but her tears are enough to make even you, in your current state, stop and evaluate your objectives.

Do you:

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