Go with the blond hunk

From Create Your Own Story

You wearily haul yourself to your feet, aided by the hunk. He scoops you up in his arms and heads for a section of wall.

A small device pops out of the wall and slides onto his head. You hear a slight buzzing, the device retracts, and the section of wall slides upwards. You see a bedroom and attached bathroom. "My quarters here," the hunk says. He steps through and the wall slides back into place.

"I'm Tommy," he says. "Why don't you lie down, sweetheart?"

He lays you down on the bed. Your head sinks into a soft pillow. The bed is very comfortable, and you feel like you're going to sink back into dreamland.

You feel Tommy's lips nuzzling your neck. "No pressure, doll," he says. "The first night's the toughest to deal with. If you want me to make you happy, I will."

Health Horny and Hormonal Location:

The Paradise House

MP 0
Level 1
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