Go to the mysterious Adam's house.

From Create Your Own Story

10 a.m.

They pile into your car, and you already begin to regret your decision, based on the hooting and hollering of Justin and Hillary. Adam somehow ended up sitting shotgun, and you become a little embarrassed by the poppy radio station playing. "You can change it," you offer. "I totally don't care."

He changes it to a heavy metal station. But of course. You set off, with Adam giving occasional directions.

In the back seat, Hillary and Justin start out laughing loudly, shoving one another once in a while. They don't have their seatbelts on and slide with each turn. It gets a little annoying, and you once again question your initial judgement. Eventually, however, the noise quiets down. You're thankful for the turn of events until you hear a tiny moan. You look in the rearview mirror and feel your face get hot. Justin and Hillary are making out, and are quite involved with one another. Justin's hands are all over Hillary's chest, and she has a hand shoved down the front of his pants.

You glance at Adam, who is grinning. You can't tell whether or not it's at the stoners hooking up in the back of your car or at your obvious discomfort with the situation.

You pull into Adam's house, finally. His house is small and a little run-down. It's one of those houses that seem to sag in the middle, and has a tall chain-link fence in the back. Everybody piles out, Hillary and Justin releasing each other. Adam's car is even crappier than yours is.

You all walk into Adam's house, and you wonder how on earth you came to be with two strangers and an acquaintance, in a hot guys house, getting a contact high from second-hand marijuana.

You get the strange feeling you get whenever you go into a new house with somebody you don't know very well. In Adam's house, in such close quarters with people you hardly know, your pretty pink dress now makes you feel a little bit on display, and your confidence shrinks. You pull up your dress in an effort to cover your bare cleavage, then pull it down to shelter your legs. But pulling it down again only makes your boobs pop out more, so you compensate by crossing your arms.

"I'm hungry," announces Adam suddenly. He looks at you. "I'm going to make a Wal-Mart run. Anybody's welcome to come with me." His eyes travel downwards, and you look away.

"Yeah, well, I think I'm gonna walk to my house and grab more weed." Hillary grabs you again and giggles. "She can come with ME."

Justin flops down on a worn couch. "You two assholes do whatever you want. I'm chilling here." He throws the remote at Hillary. "She'll chill with ME, thank you very much."

Hmmm...Hillary is grabbing more weed. Maybe you can try some with her. That'd be cool. Alternatively, there's the uber-attractive, slightly creepy Adam, who gives you chills. And then there's always Justin, the tool who tried to score in the backseat of your car.

How, how, how did this happen?

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