Go to his place.

From Create Your Own Story

"Well...Why don't you show me your place?" You smiled at him. You're suddenly really curious about the kind of place he lives.

"Sure, let's do that." He nodded and the two of you drive off.

About twenty minutes later, you arrive at a downtown high rise apartment, about fifty floors up and completed with a security gate into the community. Much nicer than your suburban 5-story apartment. After he parks in what seems to be a reserved space and leads you into the building lobby, you gawked at the height of the Victorian lobby ceiling with a European chandelier at the center.

"Come on, this way." You look back down and locate him farther down the hall by the elevator.

"This is nice." You murmured as you enter into the spacious lift. "Even the elevator is super nice."

"I would prefer to walk up to my place, if it wasn't so high up." He pressed the top floor button, labeled "Penthouse."

You look at him in awe. How wealthy IS this guy? How can he afford to live in the penthouse of such a fancy apartment. He surely doesn't act like a snobby rich guy like you imagined most rich people to be. You felt like you've grossly underestimated him.

"Here we are." He opens the door for you as you carefully walk in. The enormous layout of his penthouse must be at least five times the size of your modest, little apartment. You glance around with your mouth hanging open as you spot a fancy kitchen, recreational area with a billiards table, and a full wall of glass window that allows a grand view of the downtown city lights. Walking over to the window, you notice a sliding door that leads out to a large balcony complete with a Jacuzzi.

"Do you like it here?" He walks up to you and offers you a glass of red wine.

"This place is amazing!" Taking a sip of his imported wine, you nodded hypnotically and murmured in awe. "Do you live here by yourself?"

"Most of the time." He chuckled at your mesmerized reaction while taking a sip of his own glass of wine. "So what are you up for?"

Challenge him to a game of billiards.

Suggest getting into the hot tub together.

Have sex in his bedroom.

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