Go out to collect fresh vegetables and fruit

From Create Your Own Story

"I'd like to get some fresh air," you say.

Holly hands you a basket. "Just go out that door, make a left, and open the second door on the right. That'll take you to the garden. Thanks, Marina."

As you exit the castle and step into the courtyard, you take a deep breath. The fresh air feels great, especially after that time in those underground tunnels.

You begin picking some fruit and placing it into the basket. Suddenly, you sense someone - or something - behind you. Your hand moves toward your sword, but then you feel something hard pressed into your back.

A gun! Zombies don't use guns. That means this must be the mysterious saboteur! And he or she isn't going to be much interested in letting you live.

You try to talk your way out of it. "Look," you say. "I haven't seen you. I don't know who you are. Jack and Holly already know that someone in the castle is up to something, so I can't tell them anything they don't already know. Why don't you just back away and let me go?"

You hear heavy breathing. You can tell that whoever it is is considering it. But then you feel the gun press harder.

"Sorry," says the voice. "Can't take the risk." A shot rings out. You look down and see a hole in your chest. Then you fall to the dirt face forward. With the last of your strength, you turn over. As you look up at the person who shot you, a horrified expression of betrayal appears on your face. The expression remains as you expire.


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