Go look at the wall of toys.

From Create Your Own Story

You pad naked over to the shelves, and run a hand across the edge of a shelf that's got a series of ever-larger dildos and butt plugs on it. The stocky suited daddy follows you, and when you look back at him, he's smiling in a definitely eager way - the crotch of his suit pants are tenting under the pressure of his cock.

"Good choice," he says. He reaches over to the shelf and picks up a short black strap with silver studs on it, then turns you around until you're facing him. He pushes you a little, and you step back against the wall beside the shelves, your butt cold against the concrete

He takes your dick in one rough hand, and tugs a little. You moan, and he chuckles, wrapping the strap around your cock and balls and then clicking it in place - it's tight, but not entirely uncomfortable. You look down at the cockring, then back up at the man.

He loosens his tie and collar, then nods. He runs one hand down your chest, smiling, and stops at a nipple which he pinches suddenly and hard. You gasp and arch your back, and your dick throbs.

The daddy chuckles. "You like the toys, eh boy?"

You nod, eyes roving back along the shelves.

The daddy reaches back to the shelf, picking up a pair of leather cuffs, another leather strap, and a butt-plug with a large protrusion from the end opposite to what goes in the ass.

"Hands behind your back," he says.

You move your hands, and he cuffs your hands behind your back. The next strap he ties around your neck - a kind of collar, and you shiver, feeling the leather on your skin.

"Turn around."

You turn around, facing the shelves, and the daddy rubs at your ass, then reaches up to the shelves again, getting a bottle of lube. He squirts some onto his fingers, and rubs it into your hole - you moan a little, loving the feel of his rough slick fingers in your pucker. Then he presses the toy into your ass, and you feel it slide in. You relax enough to let the bulbous head of the plug enter your ass, and then your hole tightens around it.

"Fits just right, don't it?"

"Yeah," you say, feeling the not unpleasant fullness in your pucker.

He walks around you, and smiles again. He pushes two fingers into your mouth, and you lick them, eagerly standing there before him, cuffed and stuffed.

His voice is low, and rumbles. "Now that's a thing of fucking beauty," he says, rubbing two thick fingers around in your mouth. The daddy reaches his other hand behind you, and twists the butt-plug a little, and you moan again around his fingers. He chuckles, and you hear a click. Suddenly, the butt-plug is writhing inside you, throbbing and moving as whatever mechanism is inside the plastic device is activated. Your ass twitches around the thick plastic, which is sort of throbbing in your ass, and you moan again.

He chuckles, another throb of the battery-powered plug making you moan.

"Gotta get my boy worked up, don't I?" he chuckles. You moan and twist.

"Don't I?" he repeats, louder, and he grabs some of your hair and gives it a yank, tugging you down a bit.

"Yes!" you yelp out, sinking to one knee. "Yes!"

He chuckles. The twisting throbbing butt plug continues - which is making your dick rock hard and throbbing and still captive to the cockring. You watch the stocky man undo his suit pants and belt. He strips in front of you, down to his dress socks, folding his shirt and pants and suit jacket neatly and revealing his stocky thick frame as he does so. His dick is hard and thick, with a blunt head.

Your ass continues to be stretched by the plug, which seems to be picking up in speed now. Your dick and balls ache for release, and you hear yourself making needful whimpering noises.

He grips your hair tightly, pulling your down onto your knees, and then pushes his dick at your lips, burying his cock into your mouth with a deep and rough thrust that makes you gag spit along his shaft.

"Yeah," he growls. "Suck it, boy."

You suck the daddy's hard dick with the best efforts you can manage, and he rides your face without pause. The battery powered toy in your ass throbs and twists, and you moan and writhe while you try to swallow the older man's cock to the balls with every thrust. Saliva is soon dripping down your chin, and you can taste the daddy's precome.

Finally, the daddy pulls his dick from your mouth and walks around you, gripping you behind your shoulders and lifting you bodily against the shelves. Once you're standing again, he grips your waist, and pulls you until your ass is up in the air. The twisting and throbbing butt plug is frantic now, and you moan. He tugs it free from your ass and turns it off. He squirts some lube on your already sore pucker, then buries his dick inside your ass with one rough shove. You swear and curse, hands twisting in the leather cuffs, legs shaking against the metal shelves, and totally at his mercy. His fucking is almost violently possessive, and you hear yourself begging for it. His voice never rises, and his thick cock continues to assault your hole as he calmly reminds you with every thrust that you're his fuckhole, his cunt, his toy to play with. Your head spins, your ass burns, and your dick throbs.

When he does come, he does so with a rough shove and a long, low grunt. He stands behind you, his dick buried in deep while his load spurts into your hole.

"Yeah," he says, finally pulling out. You feel his load leak from your battered ass. "You're a good boy."

He lets you out of the cuffs, and undoes the collar. He tugs you against his sweaty chest, and kisses you deeply. You moan into his mouth, and grind your cock against his hard thigh.

He breaks the kiss. "You need a ride home, or can I tie you up and put in you in a bed for tonight?" His hand tugs your hard dick. God you just want to get off!


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