GFTEA: Female Elf Warrior

From Create Your Own Story

You root through the crate. Your few books are ruined, the sweets you'd stashed utterly destroyed by the saltwater. Upset but unsurprised, you return your attention to the big prize of this discovery - your equipment. You strip out of your rags and don your armor; a plated corset, tied in the back, metal plates finely etched with elven art; a black thong with a plated belt, plate sideskirts resting on either thigh; boots rising well past your knees with plated shins and moderately raised heels; and bracers with fingerless gloves; all made of fine silversteel, a lightweight elven metal stronger than human steel but difficult to repair and slightly more susceptible to magical damage. Finally you heft your prized possession, an elven longsword, slim and curved, forged of elvensteel and specially enchanted to bolster its magic resistance.

All this is well and good, but you still had no idea what your surroundings are like. You stop and finally look around you, taking in the landscape. The beach stretches for miles in either direction. You can see mountains in the distance inland rising up over the low scrub forest along the beach. You spy smoke in that direction, too, several thin wisps that indicate a village or large camp. You could forge through the forest straight for the village. You might find food along the way, and a direct path might be quickest. Alternatively, you assume that a village this close to the ocean must have a pier or dock of some kind. You could try walking along the beach to try to find it. It would be safer, certainly. A third option occurs to you as you remember your bandages. Someone helped you. You could wait here to see if they return.

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