Feel her up while she chats with her mom

From Create Your Own Story

You can't resist that tender young body, especially not when she's only got that skimpy pink thong to cover her pussy. You stand behind her and rub your erection against her ass while massaging her barely covered crotch.

"Listen, Mom, I got to hang up, okay?" she says. "You know where the dressing rooms are. How could I get into trouble in a public store? Unngh. No, I wasn't moaning. It... It was my stomach. Yeah, I'll grab a snack or something. No, I'm not going to spoil my appetite."

You slip one hand into the thong and the other inside her shirt.

"Mom, seriously, I'm going to... oooh! I'm going to hang up," she says.

Do you:

Health Horny Location:

The Clothing Department

MP 0
Level 1
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