Family Ties/Quick go load up the RV and get ready to go and you can spend some time with your daughter on the way

From Create Your Own Story

You quick go get your stuff and make sure the RV gets loaded up then after a quick meal, you and the family get going. For the first bit of the trip, Stacy stays locked in the back with Timmy and...well when they eventually come out, Timmy is visibly blushing as if thinking everyone would know what he just did. Your wife comes up to you and offers to take over driving. You make a quick stop on the side of the road to make the change and head back to see what your kids are up to. Before letting you go, your wife reminds you, "Remember, Steven. Only Jessie...for now." The last bit makes you giddy knowing that pretty Jessie will be the second lover you'll have made out of your kids. You head back and check up on the kids. Timmy sits at the table, blushing as you come near and trying to cover up the tent in his pants though you're not sure if that's because of his previous romp with your wife or if he enjoyed your part in this morning's fun more than you expected.

"Hey, little man," you say to him, "you're looking like you've had a good morning."

"Not quite," your wife chimes in from the front. "He says he's sore. He must have slept weird." No kidding you think to yourself though you can't feel too surprised. You're almost proud at how much you stretched out Timmy's ass and at how great a fuck your wife and you made 9 years before. You only hope Timmy's sister reaches the bar he set. You look around the RV some more. Jacob is lost in his video game and Heather is lost in her texting. You look over to Jessie who has her eyes on you. She might be suspecting what you have in mind. She looks adorably nervous. You invite her to the back of the RV, wondering for a second if Jacob or Heather will sense something off but they're oblivious enough that you go for it. You go to the back and close the door behind you before joining your daughter on the bed she's laying on.

"You want me to play with your wee-wee again don't you?" She asks in her soft little voice.

You say:

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