FVMA Fight Back

From Create Your Own Story

You conserve whatever air you have left and do your best to fake falling asleep. You wait for what seems like eternity and just when you think your not going to last another second the mask lifts. Your burning lungs finally feel relief as air rushes into your bosom. Once the fresh oxygen hits your brain, you swiftly remember the predicament you're in and keep quiet. Slowly, you hear the man and roll off the opposite side of the bed.

You hear your attacker moving around, knowing full well that in your current state you don't even stand a chance. Knowing this to be true, you wait for him to untie you and then flee. Forcing yourself to be quiet, the wait gets interminable as he takes forever to get his things together.

Finally, you feel the heat of him close by as he loosens the tie on your left hand. He starts reaching across you to undo the right hand, when you quickly move up your knee and jam it right in his balls.

"Ugh!" the masked man groans as you connect. You quickly roll with your loose hand to free your caught one. You manage to get free when his strong hand grabs around your torso. You squeal in frustration, throwing yourself to one side, then the other, but slowly, he brings his other hand on you, and flips you down to the bed.

"Nice try," he says in a silky voice before he swiftly clamps the mask back over your face and you pass out.

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