FM/Next day

From Create Your Own Story

You and your wife get to Luke's house a little early and are greeted by Susan. You had no idea she would be here and can't help but wonder what she thinks of all this. She guides you to the living room where Luke is sitting. He has 2 piles of $100 bills.

Lori asks, "What the hell is this about, Luke? John couldn't tell me anything."

He looks at her with a poker face and says, "I'll explain once Tabatha and Fred get here."

Your wife starts to protest, but is interrupted by the doorbell. You hear Tabatha open the door and let in your sister and her husband. They are lead into the living room. You are all standing and waiting to hear Luke. You are the only one that really knows what to expect, but are going to leave this to him.

He picks up the 2 stacks of $100 bills and says, "Why don't you all sit down."

You sit, along with everyone else. Susan is sitting next to Luke and smiling. Luke counts out the bills so there is no doubt that each stack contains $1000.

Luke and Susan reveal the details of the movies. It is laid out in much the same way Luke laid it out for you the previous day. There are the same shocked faces that you had and same types of questions.

At one point, Lori asks, "Susan, doesn't it bother you that your kids are involved in these types of movies?"

Susan keeps a straight face as she says, "Not at all. We decide everything as a family. At first it was uncomfortable to make the movies, but the money is too much to pass on."

Fred asks, "Are you saying it is OK to commit adultery?" There was genuine curiosity in his voice.

Susan said, "The way we see it, as long as it is kept in the family way, it isn't cheating. We aren't exactly sneaking behind each other's backs to screw around on each other."

Once they finish laying everything out, Susan says, "There is a lot of money making these types of movies. That $1000 for each of you is for one incest movie. The movie will include sex scenes with Luke and Lori as well as scenes with John and Tabatha. You all have to agree to make the movie in order to earn the cash."

Lori asks in shaken voice, "You want me to have sex with my brother while my husband has sex with his sister on camera?"

Susan nods and says, "That's right. And in exchange you each get a stack of $100 bills. I know incest is a lot to wrap your heads around, but the money is great."

Luke says, "What do you say? Do you want to make some easy money?"


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