FFamily Ties- You did say you’d help so strip for Jacob

From Create Your Own Story

Your blushed deeper as you pondered on your next action. You didn't expect him to actually ask you to take off your clothes in front of him. However, you did promise to do anything to help him and your parents always told you that one musn't break a promise.

Finally, you grabbed the hem of your dress and pulled it over your head before putting it aside, leaving only a pair of strawberry print panties on you. You then slipped a finger in the elastic band and lowered the panties down before taking it off completely and put it aside with your dress.

You gingerly wrapped your arm around your chest and the other covering your peehole as you asked Jacob,

"Now what?"

Jacob scratched his chin, looking somewhat flustered. It seemed that he didn't really expect you to actually go through with it,


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