Drop the dildo and try and grab at your swollen clitoris

From Create Your Own Story

You let go of the sleek dildo and reach down with your hand tenderly and gingerly probe your swollen clit. Each touch sends tingling shocks up your body and you continue to probe it, tease it until you are even squeezing it between two fingers. The sensations rips up through you, your heart thunders in your chest and your vision blurred, your absent minded motions and actions causing more and more sensations tearing through your whole body as you list into unconsciousness. You awake as though from a nightmare, the sheets are full of your sweat and your whole body aches, your muscles contort and relax reflexively on their own and your mind races, trying to remember what the dream could have been about.

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Health Horny and Hormonal Location:

Your Apartment

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