Dare I say... back in the mouse's room

From Create Your Own Story

You walk back in to room and see the mouse asleep on the floor. You think that looks cute, but you know what he is really like. You first look under the bed for some clothes, only to find a box. You slide the box out and open it. You see no clothes but you do see several sex toys!

Before you can get up, you feel a rope wrap around your throat and hear the mouse boy say, "I can't take my eyes off of you for a second, my little pet." You try to fight the boy off, only to be stunned by a painful shock.

"That should teach you not to run off." The mouse boy holds up a small remote "shock collar". He smirks. You feel helpless before the little shit.

"Where are my clothes?" you ask.

The mouse simply shrugs. "Pets don't wear clothes. They only get collars."

The mouse then walks over to his bed, sits down on it and waves for you to come over. You hesitate at first, then you run over there when the boy holds up the remote. The boy looks you over and tells you to turn around. "I was hoping for a cat as my first 'pet', but you'll do just fine. I still can't believe that my parents actually got me a sex slave for a present."

You gasp at the thought of being this little pervert's sex toy. Before you can react, the boy then proceeds to walk over to you and pushes you down and begins to fuck your mouth yet again, "Now this time I'll give you a piss after the wash."

After several hours of being used by your new master, you notice the he is asleep again, and that it is now night time. You try to head to the door but it locked again and after hours of searching for the key you simply must give up and sleep.

The next day, you see that his parents are standing over you with a look of shock on their faces. The little boy is standing next to them.

"Son," the father says, "we did not buy you a slave, you simply have taken a stranger and fucked him."

"Besides, Bobby," the mother adds, "we simply can not feed and care for him."

The boy is clearly downcast and he unlocks your collar. The parents leave and one of them says that they will bring you some clothes. "Gee, I am sorry, mister," Bobby says. After all that has happened you do feel a little disappointed. After all, it was some good sex, if a little humiliating.

"Well, it was hot sex at some parts," you choke out.

The little mouse boy runs up and hugs you. He then looks up at you and says with a devilish grin, "You know, if was really that fun, you could come back over and we do it again."

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:

Gender Male
Species Human
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