D&D: The looters leave the burial mound and take you with them

From Create Your Own Story

The leader, who announces his name is Phalinos, pulls out a pair of iron manacles and binds you with them. To complete your humiliation ankle-irons are fitted over your legs.The cold metal shackles your hands and feet then the man puts a rope around your neck and pulls. Laughing and jeering the men lead you through the corridors of the burial mound. While the leader pulls you and his second watches out for danger and another lugs the gong, the last looter seeing his chance, starts to pull and grope your tits. You moan and whimper even as you walk along. Whenever you slow down to fight your groper, Phalinos pulls the rope sending you crashing.

Eventually after several minutes and a few crashes, you exit the burial mound. The dim light of the moon is the only thing that greets your arrival and Phalinos noting the late hour decides to stop for the night.

They make camp on a small clearing within the forest. They laugh and taunt you as they erect two small tents. Tears stain your cheeks as you struggle to deal with your situation and what might happen to you during which your nipples harden from cold wind and exposure as the looters have not seen it fit to clothe you.

After finishing their camp, they get out a cord of rope and tie you around a tree. Spread in an eagle position with your breasts and pussy displayed openly.

What happens next:

D&D: You manage to get free

D&D: The looters have fun with you

D&D: Goblins attack

D&D: Onward towards the nearest town

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