D&D: Steal some food from one of the food carts

From Create Your Own Story

You wander around for a few more minutes when your stomach starts to rumble. Blushing a little, you look around for something to eat. You spot a fruit stand with several people arguing with the owner, distracting him, and you decide to make a grab for a fruit. Making your way to the shop you quickly snatch an apple off the cart and leave quickly.

Going into a small alleyway, you finish the apple quickly when a voice from behind you speaks up, saying "I saw you steal that apple."

Turning around you see a robed female elf, a mage. You have to leave now. Getting alarmed, you try to leave when she speaks again, "Stop thief." Forcefully immobilized you stand helpless as the elf inspects you.

"Here I was getting ritual ingredients when I spot you, my thief, walking around completely naked with a feeble illusion spell cloaking your naked body." A well-manicured finger makes its way to your nethers, and you moan as her fingers tease your pussy lips.

"Now what shall I do you with you my pet? Shall I take you to my home and experiment on you, since you've obviously been such a bad girl, or do you submit to me right here and become my pet?" As she speaks, her other hand starts to pinch your nipple and grab your huge breasts.

"What do you choose, my thief?"

You try to speak out words of power, but your mind is too foggy from the elf's teasing to concentrate on magic. Your only hope to escape her is to wait for the sandals' immobilizing magic to run out and use the magic hair clip (which you lost), but can you hold out until then?

Do you:

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