D&D: Get attacked by more zombies
From Create Your Own Story
A door you had not noticed before opens and two more zombies lumber into the room, you make your way slowly towards the open passageway but neither of them makes a move at you.
You realize that they must be guarding this room's treasure and decide to test that theory. Making your way to the area that the gong was in you spot a few links of a chain that might have once held the gong in place and pick one up.
Immediately the zombies begin to lumber towards you, you quickly drop the chain piece and they stop moving. You move to the doorway that they came out of and see a small silver wand sitting on a pedestal in the center of a small room.
You quickly enter the small room and notice the pedestal has some arcane writing on it that translates to "To rid yourself of the curse, put the wand back on this pedestal"
Using your arcane skills you analyze the wand and discover that wielding it will grant powerful magics, but there's also a slight taint to it. Almost as if a consequence for using the magic.
Just as you are about to take the wand you hear a male voice "heya toots, nice rack you have there" you look up startled, a hand instinctively moving to cover your breasts with your arm, and you see a small imp "since you have such a nice pair of assets I'll give you a word of advice, every time you use that thing it'll require that you do something, that something will be worse the more powerful the magic you use from it. It was created by a perverse wizard long ago, a prankster if you will."
Considering your options you can take the wand though those zombies probably will attack you, or you can leave it alone though if the writing it to be believed you could just put it back if the price is too costly for using the wands magic
Do you:
D&D: Take the wand and continue exploring